G's Cannabis

A cannabis company in northern Maine approached me to create their product's packaging and of course I agreed to do it. This gave me an opportunity to get my work out in the world in a meaningful way and gain the experience of creating a dialogue between myself and a packaging vendor. My client had several specific request and I needed to seek out a vendor who could meet those needs as I tended to the design aspects.

This packaging project came with a number of design challenges I needed to work through. The client wanted something bold and visually loud, they also wanted something that distinguished each strain with its own identity under an umbrella identity. Another thing important to my client was that I find a vendor who could create packaging that included a clear window to view the product through.
Next challenge was understanding and meeting the legal requirements for this type of packaging. Being a controlled substance different states have different laws of what information must be on the packaging.

I needed to pay close attention while setting up the print documents in order to ensure quality printing, meeting the vendors needs. 6000 packages were to be printed meaning if one of these files had an issue that would be over 1000 misprints, (fortunately everything went great).
This project, as many do, resulted in lots of experimentation before coming to a final decision. Below you can see some of the iterations this packaging went through before being finalized.