South End Identity
This was one of my first projects creating a cooperative system between several elements while creating a visual identity. For this, I needed to create a visual identity for the South End area of Burlington based on our experience with the area. This identity needed to include a poster, magazine spread, and mark all working to create a consistent identity.

The association I held with the South End area related to me traveling up and down the main street there. I always would remember the conclusion to my hour-long bus ride ending there. Getting out of the bus and walking on the salt-covered sidewalk as headlights drive past me in the early morning. In the afternoons I would sometimes walk back down the same street, this time admiring the quirky quaintness of the area.

I started this project by going down to the south end and taking photos and creating a word list. The photos made me realize the area was initially an industrial one that has slowly been repurposed for the contemporary world. Art and creativity seep out around every corner in graffiti and strange sculptures, and they show off the brick and metal structures supporting the buildings with pride for their history.